The Performative Minute: Superfiliale



6 August 15


Superfiliale: Normalvariante, 2015, paper, 10 x 9 cm, image: M.Z., 2015
Superfiliale: Normalvariante, 2015, paper, 10 x 9 cm, image: M.Z., 2015


"...Today only and never again! If you miss your chance now you'll miss it for ever! If you think of your future you are one of us! Everyone is welcome! If you want to be an artist, join our company! Our Theater can find employment for everyone, a place for everyone!..."
Franz Kafka: Amerika. Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir. Schocken Books 1962

The Superfiliale is back in business! Manager Markus Zimmermann invites the audience to an intoxicating, self-destructing celebration, where they can produce their own object and exchange it for a Superfiliale product. So which is more desirable: your own idea or those of an institutional authority?