never mind the nineties
series of talks
12 September – 8 June 94
Text of the series of talks, never mind the nineties, Kunst-Werke Berlin, 1994. © Archive KUNST-WERKE BERLIN e.V.
The series of talks never mind the nineties – Art Club 2000, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Hans-Ulrich Obrist, Marius Babias, Robert Jelinek, Evgenij Jufit, Robert Nickas, Renée Green, Renate Lorenz, Angela Bulloch, Penelope Georgiou, Jenny Livingston, Christine and Irene Hohenbüchler, Fabrice Hybert, Valerie Smith, Regina Möller, Christine Borland, Gabriel Orozco, Pipilotti Rist and many more took place at Kunst-Werke Berlin in Kooperation with the Berlin University of the Arts from September 12, 1994 to June 7, 1996.
Organized by Katharina Sieverding, Klaus Biesenbach
Venues: Berlin University of the Arts and Kunst-Werke Berlin
Text of the series of talks, never mind the nineties, Kunst-Werke Berlin, 1994. © Archive KUNST-WERKE BERLIN e.V.