Artist Talk:
Rachel Rossin
17 September 22, 3 pm
Tieranatomisches Theater
Saturday, 17 September 22 at 3 pm
in English
Free admission
Venue: Tieranatomisches Theater, Campus Nord, Haus 3
Philippstraße 13, 10115 Berlin, Germany
Rachel Rossin, THE MAW OF (2022) © the artist
Curator Nadim Samman and artist Rachel Rossin give insight into the exhibition KW on location: Rachel Rossin: THE MAW OF. Imagining the corporeal as a component within a larger technical assemblage, Rachel Rossin’s THE MAW OF invokes the historical development of body peripherals and outsourced sensing.
The work dramatizes relations between inside and outside, and between human, animal and machine. It is a work about the theatre of embodied subjectivity in the technocene. But it also performs the exhibition as an expanded body — crossing physical and digital space. The exhibition space is mapped through the creation of a world whose virtual reality may be accessed through various portal points. All of these portals offer access to a digital space of contemplation and poetic representation authored by Rachel Rossin.
Spanning installation, sculpture, augmented reality, virtual reality, and net art, the project features a site-specific installation at Tieranatomisches Theater (TA T), Berlin, as part of the digital program of KW Institute for Contemporary Art. Conceived as mixed-reality theatre, Rossin’s project stages a new conceptual and visual vocabulary, addressing the expanded limits of the human body and mind today.