Club 69

Films by Christoph Schlingensief


1 December 13 – 19 January 14



Club 69, a temporary cinema opened on the occasion of the exhibition CHRISTOPH SCHLINGENSIEF offers the chance to see films of Christoph Schlingensief, some of which are not available on DVD.

Saturdays and Wednesdays
12 h
Supporting film: Mein Erster Film & Für Elise 

14 h
Menu Total
Supporting film: My Wife in Five 

16 h

17 h
Mutters Maske


Sundays and Thursdays
12 h
Christoph Schlingensief und seine Filme
Interview film

13:30 h
16-MM Kurzfilme

14 h
100 Jahre Adolf Hitler

15 h
Das Deutsche Kettensägenmassaker

16 h
Terror 2000

17:30 h
United Trash

20 h
Club 69 Spezial


Mondays and Fridays
12 h
Tod eines Weltstars
Supporting film: Schlacht der Idioten

13 h
Die 120 Tage von Bottrop

14 h
Freakstars 3000
Bonus: 10 outtakes from Freakstars

15:30 h
The African Twintowers
Bonus: fragments from The African Twintowers

17 h
Say Goodbye to the Story

17:30 h

Brief descriptions:
TunguskaDie Kisten sind da
[TunguskaThe Crates Are Here]
1984, 71 ', 16 mm, color, Schlingensief's debut feature premiered at Hof International Film Festival. Original version with English subtitles.
With: Irene Fischer, Matthias Colli, Anna Fechter, Alfred Edel, Vladimir Konetzny, Norbert Schliewe, Volker Bertzky, Major Pater Hilf
Supporting film: Mein erster film [My 1st Film], 1968, 11', 8 mm, color, German & Für Elise [For Elise], 1982, 2', 16 mm, color, German

Three avant-garde researchers on the verge of a nervous breakdown, a couple looking for petrol – and Alfred Edel, who drives them all mad! A declaration of war in the midst of the existentialist rituals of new, young German cinema.

Menu Total
1985, 81', 35 mm, b/w, original version with English subtitles.
With: Helge Schneider, Wolfgang Bertzky, Alfred Edel, Dietrich Kuhlbrodt
Supporting film: My Wife in Five, 1985, 14', 16 mm, b/w, German

Boisterous frolicking on a picnic meadow in Mülheim on the Ruhr. The parents have dug out their old Nazi uniforms and that makes the conga line even more fun to dance. The film earned boos and whistles at the Berlin International Film Festival in 1986. Christoph Schlingensief considered it "My best film!"

EgomaniaInsel ohne Hoffnung
[EgomaniaIsland without Hope]
1986, 84', 16 mm, color, original version with English subtitles.
With: Tilda Swinton, Udo Kier, Uwe Fellensiek, Anna Fechter, Dietrich Kuhlbrodt, Annastasia Kudelka, Volker Bertzky, Wolfgang Schulte

The apocalypse to end all apocalypses: bitter, hate and love-filled battles over incest and wealth. Udo Kier as the aunt of the devil and Tilda Swinton as Brünhilde. A young couple trapped in the eternal ice, in tender love, threatened by one and all.

Mutters Maske
[Mothers Mask]
1987, 85', 16 mm, color, original version with English subtitles.
With: Helge Schneider, Udo Kier, Karl-Friedrich Mews, Brigitte Kausch, Susanne Bredehöft

A loose adaptation of the film Opfe rgang (1944) by Veit Harlan. Using images from Baudelaire's Fleures du Mal, Christoph Schlingensief traces the drama surrounding a family belonging to the Ruhr Valley industrialist nobility. A fantastic film with fantastic actors. Udo Kier as a child molester, Susanne Bredehöft as a HIV carrier, the legendary Brigitte Kausch as a suffering mother, and Helge Schneider, who also wrote the music to the film, as the industrialist baron of Mühlenbeck.

Christoph Schlingensief und seine Filme
[Christoph Schlingensief and his Films]
2004, 77', Beta SP, interview film by Frieder Schlaich
Original version with English subtitles.

Christoph Schlingensief talks about filmmaking from the first Normal 8 film until Freakstars 3000. Christoph Schlingensief's filmography as an autobiography.

Christoph Schlingensief16-MM-Kurzfilme
[Christoph Schlingensief – 16-MM-Shortfilms]
Early 16mm short films by Christoph Schlingensief:
Wie würden Sie entscheiden?
[What Would You Decide?], 1982, 3' 30", 16 mm, color, German
Phantasus muss anders werden: Phantasus go home
[Phantasus muss], 10', 16 mm, German
What happened to Magdalena Jung? 1983, 13', 16 mm, German

100 Jahre Adolf Hitler – Die letzte Stunde im Führerbunker
[100 Years Adolf Hitler – The Last Hours in the Führer's Bunker]
1989, 55', 16 mm, b/w, filmed in one night only.
Original version with English subtitles.
With: Volker Spengler, Brigitte Kausch, Margit Carstensen, Dietrich Kuhlbrodt, Alfred Edel, Udo Kier, Marie-Lou Sellem, Asia Verdi.

Udo Kier as Hitler. A light, a day, a Führer. Five men, four women, hauled out of the darkness by a hand-held spotlight. We see the final hour in the Führer's bunker as it really happened.

Das Deutsche Kettensägenmassaker
[The German Chainsaw Massacre]
1990, 60', 16/35 mm, color, original version with English subtitles.
With: Karina Fallenstein, Alfred Edel, Susanne Bredehöft, Irm Hermann, Udo Kier, Artur Albrecht, Volker Spengler,Brigitte Kausch, Dietrich Kuhlbrodt, Reinald Schnell

Since the lifting of the Iron Curtain on November 9, 1989, hundreds of thousands of East Germans have fled their homeland. Many of them are already living among us, unnoticed. Four per cent never arrived. The film depicts the early days of Reunification as a national 'slaughter-fest'.

Terror 2000. Intensivstation Deutschland
[Terror 2000. Intensive Care Unit Germany]
1992, 75', 16/35 mm, color, original version with English subtitles.
With: Margit Carstensen, Peter Kern, Susanne Bredehöft, Alfred Edel, Dietrich Kuhlbrodt, Udo Kier

Loosely based on the Gladbeck hostage drama, the film tells of two fugitive gangsters who torment asylum seekers in a small Eastern German town. They are courted by a pack of sensationalist journalists and pursued by two hapless police investigators. Western German neo-Nazis and local politicians alike try to capitalize on their attacks.

United Trash
1995, 77', 35 mm, original version with English subtitles.
With: Udo Kier, Kitten Natividad, Joachim Tomaschewsky, Johnny Pfeiffer

United Trash is the ballad of a gay UN general whose wife has an affair with a bishop and gives birth to the Messiah. The child Messiah accidentally gets a marble stuck up his nose. The attempt to retrieve the marble results in a tragic accident.

Tod eines Weltstars. Portrait Udo Kier
[Death of a World Star. Portrait Udo Kier]
1992, 45', b/w, German
With: Udo Kier, Alfred Edel, Susanne Bredehöft, Dietrich Kuhlbrodt, Brigitte Kausch, Christoph Schlingensief
Supporting film: Schlacht der Idioten, 1986, 21', 16 mm, German

After suffering a tragic accident on a shoot in Tuscany, world star Udo Kier is about to die. Alfred Edel is sent in to film an obituary.

Die 120 Tage von Bottrop – Der letzte Neue Deutsche Film
[The 120 Days of Bottrop – The Last New German Film]
1997, 60', 16 mm, color, original version with English subtitles.
With: Margit Carstensen, Irm Hermann, Volker Spengler, Udo Kier, Helmut Berger, Mario Garzaner, Sophie Rois, Martin Wuttke, Bernhard Schütz, Herbert Fritsch, Leander Haußmann, Frank Castorf

Survivors of the old Fassbinder guild meet up to create a remake of Pasolini's Sal Ò, or the 120 Days of Sodom, with Sönke Buckmann directing. An homage to Rainer Werner Fassbinder, to eccentricity and to the madness of an era long gone.

Freakstars – Der Film
[Freakstars – Ther Movie]
2003, 75', Beta SP, color, original version with English subtitles.
With: Achim von Paczensky, Irm Hermann, Christoph Schlingensief, Helga Stöwhase, Mario Garzaner, Kerstin Graßmann, Werner Brecht, Horst Gelonneck, Axel Silber, Brigitte Kausch-Kuhlbrodt, Susanne Brederhöft and the residents of the Thiele-Winckler-Haus in Berlin-Lichtenrade

This is Schlingensief's version of a casting show: singing, dancing, air guitar – two dozen candidates are put through a gruelling casting competition by a ruthless jury.

The African Twintowers
2009, 70', DV, color, original version with English subtitles
With: Irm Hermann, Klaus Beyer, Stefan Kolosko, Robert Stadlober, Katharina Schlothauer, Karin Witt, Björn Thors, Norbert Losch, Dirk Rohde, Christiane Tsoureas, Mohammed, Christin Appollus, Christoph Schlingensief, Patti Smith,
and Theatergruppe Lüderitz

The film is about the shooting of The AfricanTwin Towers and the events of 9/11. He uses themes derived from Norse mythology as well as African shamanism. Figures such as Hagen of Tronje, Odin and Edda, members of the African tribe of the Herero, and spirits appear – as well as music by Patti Smith.

Say Goodbye to the Story (ATT 1 / 11)
A fragment from The African Twintowers
2011, 23', DV, color, original version with English subtitles.
With: Katharina Schlothauer, Stefan Kolosko, Robert Stadlober, Irm Hermann, Björn Thors

A rain of nightmares: deleted scenes from a film who consists only of deleted scenes. Their most truthful moment is a dream sequence in which the agony of the first sequence dissolves in a frenzy only to come back and haunt the third sequence. Nothing is finished, not even the intertitles. Everything is becoming. Or decaying.

[External Mutilation]
2007, 30' 01", 16 mm, color, s/w / b/w, original version with English subtitles.

Part of the opera production Freax and its main attraction. Performed as a short film in the foyer and devoted to the self-maiming, avant-garde heroes Günther Brus and Kurt Kren. In this film, shown in grainy black and white with double lighting and dissolves, Schlingensief refers to his own beginnings as a filmmaker.

The film program Club 69 – Films by Christoph Schlingensief is made possible by the Filmgalerie 451.
Further information: