Gitte Bohr, Liebig12
One Night Stand #5
Liebig12 and Gitte Bohr invite you to take part in an evening of art, performances and conversations within our series One Night Stand. Based on their common interest in the politics of aesthetic practices, the two project spaces showcase their work in a joint event.
Economic praxis and its impact on society or individuals will be explored and represented through different artists, contributors, works and gestures.
Gitte Bohr - Club für Kunst und politisches Denken presents the ongoing project Surface and Superficiality. The aim of the project is to analyse the relationship between surfaces and superficiality in our contemporary society. In focus are the surfaces with which we interact in our everyday lives. Smoothness and the paradoxical unison of impermeability and transparency as leitmotifs of the design of surfaces find their uncanny counterpart in the forms of social interaction in contemporary society.
Liebig12 will act under the motto Rekursionen der Macht – On How to Exit the Loop, underlining how our daily life is directed and redirected by power structures and systems within which our individual and collective freedom must act in order to avoid recursive processes and the re-production of vicious and exploitive dynamics.
“It is a basic assumption that behaviour in order to be perceived as social action can, and must comply with the rules of the dispositive, just as any negative or abnormally rated behaviour.”
(Michel Foucault)
With Katrin Caspar & Eeva Liisa Puhakka, Diego Castro, Gisela Dischner / Robert Lehniger, John Duncan, Ingo Gerken, Errands Group, itinerant interludes #34: Laurie Schwartz & Tomomi Adachi, Paul de Koens, Jana Linke, Hylynyiv Lyngykrz (Helena Lingor), Many People (Kiron Guidi, Frank Holbein, Lars Werner) feat. Mano Krach, Eva May, Erich Pick, Fried Rosenstock, Allegra Solitude, XY, and Zeitungspoet.
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Visit Gitte Bohr website
Visit Liebig12 website