Heike Aumüller



7 July – 4 October 01


In the project room of its courtyard the KW Institute for Contemporary Art present for the first time in Berlin works by the artist Heike Aumüller, recent recipient of the art prize of the city of Bremen, the "Kunstpreis der Böttcherstrasse".

The human body and its composition in space are at the center of Heike Aumüller's videos and photographs. On first sight, these works appear like fragmented documentation of performances. Heike Aumüller works with apparently well known images and situations, which by re-touching, cuts and manipulation of speed become alienated to the point of being unrecognisable. The indecipherable familiarity with these images and situations provokes the viewer's imagination and fantasy regarding a possible connection between them and accounts for the fusion of the things we see with images of own memory. On the other hand, the documentary character of the works creates a distance, that evokes a feeling of oppression. The viewer finds himself in the position of a voyeur witnessing an intimate situation, which at the same time appears to be addressed to a broader public since it resembles a process which could take place on stage as part of a performance or choreography.