Hotel Marienbad: A Cushion Has That Cover / Ein Kissen hat dies bezüglich barbara köhler covers gertrude stein
23.02.2009, 7 pm
A Cushion Has That Cover / Ein Kissen hat dies bezüglich
barbara köhler covers gertrude stein
Barbara Köhler, author and translator, will present her flowing, carrying works in transmutation, acoustically and visually, at the Hotel Marienbad, upon invitation by guest Ann Cotten.
Suppose an Eyes
Suppose it is within a gate which open is open at the hour of closing summer that is to say it is so.
All the seats are needing blackening. A white dress is in sign. A soldier a real soldier has a worn lace a worn lace of different sizes that is to say if he can read, if he can read he is a size to show shutting up twenty-four.
Go red go red, laugh white.
Suppose a collapse in rubbed purr, in rubbed purr get.
Little sales ladies little sales ladies little saddles of mutton.
Little sales of leather and such beautiful beautiful, beautiful beautiful.
Nimm ein Eis an
Nimm an es sei innerhalb eines tores das offen ist offen zur sperrstunde sommer heisst zu sagen es sei so.
Alle sitze benötigen schwärzen. Ein weisses kleid ist in sinn. Ein soldat ein richtiger soldat hat schäbige tressen, schäbig in tressen verschiedener grössen würde bedeuten könnte er lesen, könnte er
lesen hätt er die grösse vier und zwanzig demonstrativ den mund
zu stopfen.
Werd rot werd rot, lach weiss.
Nimm ein kollaps an ein geriebne schnurr, eine geriebne schnurr kriegen.
Kleine ladenmädchen ladenmädchen lämmerwädchen.
Lederlädchen und so delikat delikat, delikat delikat.
Barbara Köhler, was born in 1959 near Amerika in Saxony and studied at the Literaturinstitut in Leipzig between 1985 and 1988. She has lived in Duisburg since 1994. Among her published poems, essays, and translations are her most recent works, Samuel Beckett Mirlitonnades / Trötentöne (bibliothek suhrkamp 2005), Niemands Frau: Gesänge (Suhrkamp 2007), and no one's box (with videos by Andrea Wolfensberger, edizioni periferia, Lucerne / Poschiavo 2007). She continues to produce texts for public spaces and private gardens, installations, multiples etc.
In the context of Hotel Marienbad 005: Ann Cotten: Criticism & Cover there will be readings, talks and presentations of curious artwork in the hotel room.
Supported by the Friends of KW Institute for Contemporary Art