Hotel Marienbad: Matthias Klos, Christian Wallner. On the brink of innocence
07.03.2009, 7 pm
Matthias Klos, Christian Wallner – On the brink of innocence
Things generally are quite different and the insane have plenty to do. Two are better than one and if it is true that one never steps into the same river, it is also true that the law of the series applies. How does repetition inscribe itself on temporality and how does the idea of occurrence fit with the actual time span of it happening, and how does one experience this (even more so as we are not even actually dealing with a repetition!). Suspense, then. But is suspense, in the sense of uncertainty by procrastination, not precisely the measure for a relation between already knowing and waiting to see if it is really true?
We intend to screw together the potato machine invented by Sigmar Polke in 1969 (it allows one potato to orbit another) which already exists in our construction as a building-kit, and will thus have completed a MacGuffin. Following this we could talk about historicity, appropriation, situativity, camp culture and finally about criticism and cover – if that is still a wish.
(Matthias Klos, Christian Wallner)
Matthias Klos, born 1969 in Hersbruck, West Germany, lives and works in Vienna. Education as cook and brewer. Studied at the Academy of Arts Nürnberg from 1993 to 1999, master student. Artistic and scientific assistant in the area experimental design at the institute for fine arts and cultural science at the Art University in Linz. Guest author of the online magazine Exhibitions: Kieslerstiftung Wien, GAK Bremen, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Kunstmuseum Lentos, Salzburger Kunstverein, Kunstverein Baden, amongst others.
Christian Wallner, born 1966 in Graz, lives and works in Vienna and Berlin 1987 to 92 studied painting at the Hochschule für angewandte Kunst since then various exhibitions (e.g..: Künstlerhaus, Secession, kunstbüro, all in Vienna ) Guitarist and Singer of the band ALBERS, 2003-2008 University Assistent at the Art University in Linz recently has been host, Edutainer and cook in Flora Neuwirth's clubblumen, Vienna ( every Friday Catalogue texts, song lyrics, Laudator of Rabe (Spike Art quarterley).
In the context of Hotel Marienbad 005: Ann Cotten: Criticism & Cover there will be readings, talks and presentations of curious artwork in the hotel room.
Supported by the Friends of KW Institute for Contemporary Art