L’école de Stéphanie
30.04. – 02.05.2010
Under the strict authority of director Stéphanie Moisdon questions and thoughts around artistic practice and visual culture will be addressed during three days of school. L’école de Stéphanie is a place of projection, of creation and of language aiming for the exchange and mediation of knowledge, skills and subject matters. 15 artists, philosophers, theorists, writers and curators function as teachers. Hans-Peter Feldmann creates an unrestrained class-room inviting you to once again become a student.
Friday, April 30, 2010
2 pm Dorothea von Hantelmann: Why is the Exhibition the Central Ritual of Western Democratic Market Societies?
3 pm Clemens von Wedemeyer: How to Make a First Person Camera?
4 pm Aurélien Froment: Forms of Nature, Forms of Knowledge, Forms of Beauty
Saturday, May 1, 2010
2 pm Nathaniel Mellors: MEGACOLON – For & Against Language
3 pm Andrea Viliani: From Institutional Critique to Institutional Narrative
4 pm Julia Scher: Surveillant Architectures
5 pm Elaine Sturtevant: The Razzle Dazzle of Thinking
6 pm Hans Ulrich Obrist and Anri Sala: Ever
Sunday, May 2, 2010
2 pm Thomas Zipp: The Dissonance in Figures & Objects / A Practical Drawing Lecture
3 pm Jean-Charles Massera: Alles Klar 1 und 2 (Die Debatte) (in German)
4 pm Sylvère Lotringer: Theory in Art
5 pm Ruwen Ogien: What’s Wrong with “Dirty” Feelings? The Case for Pornography
6 pm Hans-Peter Feldmann and Hans Ulrich Obrist: Kein Interview (in German)
Sound: Trisha Donnelly
With kind support of Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte and the Institut français - Bureau de la création artistique - Arts plastiques and CULTURESFRANCE