morale provisoire Gespräch #6. Udi Aloni: What Does a Jew Want?
8 pm
„In the hopes of promoting justice, peace, and solidarity for and with the Palestinian people, I will think through and with Slavoj Žižek, Alain Badiou, and Judith Butler to confront the core issues of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Our bold question: Will a new generation of Israelis and Palestinians dare to walk together toward a joint Israel-Palestine? Through a collage of meditation, interview, diary, and essay, my new star will emerge for The Star of Redemption by Franz Rosenzweig incorporating the work of Walter Benjamin, Edward Said, and Jewish theology to recast the conflict in secular theological terms of theory, art and action.“ (Udi Aloni)
Udi Aloni is an Israeli/American writer and filmmaker whose work explores the discourse between art, theory, and action. His art projects have been presented in leading museums and galleries, including The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York and his films Kashmir: Journey to Freedom (2009), Forgiveness (2006), and Local Angel (2003) have been screened at the Berlin International Film Festival, among other prominent venues. The book What Does a Jew Want?: On Binationalism and Other Specters (Columbia University Press, 2011) was published shortly after the murder of his dear friend, Juliano Mer Khamis, director of the Freedom Theater in Jenin Refugee Camp, where Aloni helped him run the Cinema Department. In 2011 Aloni directed with the actors of the Freedom Theater an Arabic version of Waiting for Godot.
Following the lecture, there will be a talk with Lorenzo Chiesa, Frank Ruda and Jan Völker.
The event will be held in English. Admission is free.
morale provisoire discussion series
Descartes gives the example of the travelers who got lost in the woods. In order not to remain in the same spot or lose their bearings they need a morale par provision to guide their steps. A morale provisoire is a determined attempt to follow a direction, it approaches thinking in terms of guiding principles for the practice. The series morale provisoire is set against the libertarians, liberals, sophists and social chauvinists of our times and intends to bring together guiding interventions for theory and practice. The series aims at a new courage of thinking which approves of the impossible, the infinite, the same and the illegitimate.
The discussion series morale provisoire at KW Institute for Contemporary Art accompanies and supplements a book series of the same title published by Merve Verlag and edited by Frank Ruda and Jan Völker. In conjunction with the publishing house and the editors the discussion series dedicates itself to regularly bringing together orientations in terms of science, politics, art and love in order to assess how these are committed to the field of philosophy.
Project management KW Institute for Contemporary Art: Anke Schleper