Mounira Al Solh
Now Eat My Script
Opening: Saturday, 6.12.14, 17–19 h
Artist talk: Thursday, 12.2.15, 19 h
The work of Mounira Al Solh continuously weaves ties between micro historical perspectives and explores language as a mechanism of transmission.
In her video Now Eat My Script (2014) the artist enquires about habits and languages of refugees and immigrants in their new countries. Al Solh engages with the moment where history and biography meet. She takes the transit of a sacrificed lamb in the trunk of her relative's car as a starting point to reflect on the exchange of goods and food between her mother's family in Syria and her family in Lebanon during periods of conflict. The movement between families becomes a way of questioning the possibility of communicating trauma.
Invited by Alya Sebti, independent curator, and Thomas Kellein, independent curator.
Kindly supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Mounira Al Solh
Now Eat My Script, 2014
HD video, color, sound, 24:50 min.
Courtesy the artist and Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut/Hamburg