Rat Rights Label presents: Apocalypso Mike


28 February 20, 10 pm

Venue: Pogo Bar

No RSVP required. Due to the limited capacity, it will be a one in, one out policy when full.


After-party with karaoke of the opening of Love Song Sing-Along by Kris Lemsalu Malone & Kyp Malone Lemsalu.


<p>Courtesy Kris Lemsalu Malone & Kyp Malone Lemsalu</p>

Courtesy Kris Lemsalu Malone & Kyp Malone Lemsalu


On the occasion of Love Song Sing-Along, the exhibition by Kris Lemsalu Malone & Kyp Malone Lemsalu, KW will throw an after party following the opening—with music, art, and karaoke by the label Rat Rights, as well as artist and musician Apocalypso Mike.


Kris Lemsalu (born in 1985, EE) creates sculptures, installations, and performances in which seemingly opposed dualities are fused. She combines animal bodies and porcelain objects with found (natural) material such as furs, leather, seashells, wool, or paper in theatrical installations that invite us into a world of fantastic imagination.


For her newly conceived large-scale installation at KW, Lemsalu collaborates with artist and multi-instrumentalist Kyp Malone (born in 1973, US), who complements the installation with music and sound, so that it will serve as an environment for several performances in which the lines between objects, bodies, and action are blurred in order to create an enlivened spatial continuum.