Pogo Bar:
Steven Warwick & DeForrest Brown
Elevator to Mezzanine: Performing America
Performing America reflects on the development of Christianity and its denominations in the founding of the nation state of America; the individual in relation to the State; and the Baptist act of immersion as the individual experience to connect with a larger faith, written in the style of an existential Western/ greek chorus and told from afar by E-M, or through sessions recalled on the couch with Dr Freud. Luther protests the sick society whilst taking a detour in Eden. Taking Tommy Hilfiger’s lookbook Iconic America as a point of departure E-M will consider how America/the modern Nation State mediates itself in the context of a classic Western standoff, serial mediation as self medication, conspicuous consumption and the gamble for collective-cum-individual redemption and salvation.
“Kneel Down, move your lips in prayer, and you will believe” – Pascal.
Elevator to Mezzanine (E-M) is a cataloguing space and writing project established in 2017 by Steven Warwick & DeForrest Brown Jr. and proposes itself as a “War on Style.”
They have previously exhibited at Cleopatra’s in NYC and published two booklets through Issue Project Room and Lampo Chicago. In March this year, they gave an artist talk at the University of Rochester NY.
Invited by Kate Brown and Maurin Dietrich. The event is part of an exhibition, which will be presented at Ashley in Berlin.