Sigalit Landau
The Dining Hall
Opening: 17.11.2007, 17 – 21 h
KW Institute for Contemporary Art is pleased to present the The Dining Hall, a new and site-specific installation by Israeli artist Sigalit Landau, in its main hall. Ten years after participating in documenta X, this is her first large solo exhibition in Germany. Landau's works relate to her Jewish identity, centering on questions of place and borders, foreignness and migration, individual and collective, reality and utopia. Using highly diverse techniques, she combines sculpture, installation, video, and performance at different formal and narrative levels.
In her new work for The Dining Hall, Landau focuses on food and feeding places, alchemy, and the preparation of food, which she discusses as a frictional condition of survival while also taking into account the bitter taste these themes have in times of global capitalistim. Sigalit Landau integrates historic aspects into her site-specific project, where lack and abundance, community and the individual, periphery and center, East and West, as well as past and present meet.
A catalogue of the past ten years of projects by Sigalit Landau will be available from January 2008.
Curator: Gabriele Horn
The project The Dining Hall is funded by:
Kulturstiftung des Bundes / German Federal Cultural Foundation
Embassy of Israel in Berlin
Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart
Lily Elstein – MusicArt Ltd. – International Center for Music and Art, Zichron Yaacov/Israel
FC (Flying-Cargo) International Transportation Ltd., Lod/Israel
Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd., Haifa/Israel