The Berlin Sessions

<p>Art work in public space of <em>Félix Gonzáles-Torres</em>, Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin, curator: Frank Wagner / RealimusStudio / nGbK, Berlin 2006, photo: Raluca Blidar</p>

Art work in public space of Félix Gonzáles-Torres, Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin, curator: Frank Wagner / RealimusStudio / nGbK, Berlin 2006, photo: Raluca Blidar


Since February 2017, KW Institute for Contemporary Art organizes a series of monthly public talks in collaboration with various institutions and organizations located in Berlin. The series entitled The Berlin Sessions explores the fabric of cultural producers in the city by inviting one Berlin-based speaker to give a presentation on another cultural producer that he/she/they find inspiring. The goal of the lecture series is to highlight the work of Berlin-based creatives from the perspective of their peers; to map connections between the various producers and fields and to strengthen the existing networks between locally based artists, authors, musicians, performers, researchers and other creative producers. 


Upcoming Events


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Previous Events


Book launch and film screening

5 December 18


Escales: atelier le balto

Book Launch

21 November 18


Claudia Skoda on art and fashion in West Berlin

Lecture, in German

28 February 18


Philipp Ekardt on Heike-Karin Föll

24 January 18


Gregor Hildebrandt on Pola Sieverding

15 December 17


Dellbrügge & de Moll on below papers

4 October 17


Julieta Aranda on Anri Sala

Lecture, in English

21 June 17


Käthe Kruse on Geniale Dilletanten

Lecture, in German

31 May 17


Annika Eriksson on Charlotte von Mahlsdorf 

Lecture, in English

22 March 17


Michel Auder on Daniel Knorr

Lecture, in English

8 March 17


Peter Wächtler on Hans- Christian Lotz

Lecture, in English

21 February 17


AA Bronson on Elijah Burgher

Lecture, in English

8 February 17