35th Bienal de São Paulo
choreographies of the impossible
14 March 23, 5 pm
Location: KW Studio
In English
Registration via reservation@kw-berlin.de
Grada Kilomba opens an conversation wwith the audience around the concept and activities that make up the 35th Bienal de São Paulo – choreographies of the impossible.
As a curatorial proposal, choreographies of the impossible enunciates a space of experimentation – open to the dances of the unimaginable – that embodies movements capable of transforming what is apparently non-existent into existent.
An interdisciplinary artist, writer and academic, Grada Kilomba is part of the group of curators for this edition of the Bienal, also formed by Diane Lima, independent curator, writer and researcher; Hélio Menezes, a curator, anthropologist and researcher; and Manuel Borja-Villel, a researcher, art historian and the former director of the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid.