Walk-through Peter Friedl:
Ana Teixeira Pinto
The Reliable Narrator
27 February, 2 pm
in English
Registration via reservation@kw-berlin.de
In accordance with the current Covid-19 regulations the 2G+ rule (vaccinated or recovered as well as boostered or tested) applies for all KW events. Furthermore we ask all participants to wear a FFP-2 mask throughout the event.
There is no such thing as a real story. Stories—to paraphrase American historian Hayden White—are not lived, they are told. In this walk-through Ana Teixeira Pinto will look at narrative and the structural relation between fictional form and non-fictional subject matter in the work of Peter Friedl.
Ana Teixeira Pinto is a writer and cultural theorist based in Berlin. She is a guest professor at Academy of Fine Arts Nuremberg (AdBK) and a theory tutor at the Dutch Art Institute. Her writings have appeared in publications such as Third Text, Afterall, Artforum, e-flux journal, Manifesta Journal and Texte zur Kunst. She is the editor of a forthcoming book series on the antipolitical turn to be published by Sternberg Press. Together with Kader Attia and Anselm Franke, she is organizing the conference and podcast series The White West: Whose Universal, taking place at HKW Berlin, and she is a member of the 2022 Berlin Biennial artistic team.