Symposium Frank Wagner
23 February 19, 1–7 pm
Venue: KW Studio
with Leonie Baumann, Monica Bonvicini, Pola Sieverding, Wolfgang Tillmans, Ingrid Wagner, Claudia Wahjudi
In German
An important and extremely active protagonist of the Berlin art and culture scene with a very extensive international network, Frank Wagner worked at numerous institutions as a freelance curator. For his critically positioned exhibition projects, he worked with many artists, with whom he often shared more than just a working relationship. In KONTEXT(E) BERLIN those who knew him and accompanied him on his path talk about their work with Wagner, their perspectives on his curatorial practice, and the influence that his themes of interest and exhibition projects still have today – above and beyond the Berlin art context.
KONTEXT(E) BERLIN takes place within the context of TIES, TALES AND TRACES. Dedicated to Frank Wagner, Independent Curator (1958–2016).
TIES, TALES AND TRACES. Dedicated to Frank Wagner, Independent Curator (1958–2016) is an exhibition by the KW Institute for Contemporary Art, curated by the RealismusStudio of the neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst (nGbK) in collaboration with Between Bridges. The RealismusStudio consists of Christin Lahr, Isabelle Meiffert, Ulrike Riebel, Vincent Schier, and Susanne Weiß. The complementary exhibition at the project space Between Bridges will be curated by Wolfgang Tillmans and Eugen Ivan Bergmann (February 1–March 16, 2019).
1–1.15 pm: Greeting
Dr. Ingrid Wagner (Senate Department for Culture and Europe)
1.15–2 pm: About TIES TALES AND TRACES. Dedicated to Frank Wagner
Christin Lahr (artist, curator, professor of media art, Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig), Vincent Schier (art historian, curator)
2–3 pm: Love Aids Riot Sex
Leonie Baumann (Rector of the Kunsthochschule Weißensee)
3–3.30 pm: Break
3.30–4 pm: Frank Wagner – Between Bridges
Wolfgang Tillmans (artist, founder of the non-commercial exhibition space Between Bridges)
4–4.15 pm: Four Decades of Berlin – Changes in an Art City
Claudia Wahjudi (art editor, cultural journalist)
4.15–4.30 pm: La Wagnerona
Monica Bonvicini (Artist, Professor of Sculpture at the Berlin University of Arts)
4.30–4.45 pm
Pola Sieverding (artist)
4.45–6 pm: KONTEXT(E) BERLIN
Joint panel with all participants
Followed by: Chats and Drinks at Stonewall-Inn, Bar