KW69 #3. Cold Society by Judith Hopf
Opening: Wednesday, January 19, 2011, 7 pm
Artist: Kerstin Cmelka
With works by: Henrik Olesen, Ruairiadh O'Connell, Inge Morath/Saul Steinberg, Lena Henke, Julian Göthe, Martin Ebner/Florian Zeyfang
Morally speaking, the Cold Society is not a good or a bad society. It can run like clockwork, because it ritually confirms the familiar and remains true to it. So the question is not "what real results the cold societies achieve", but "what permanent intention directs them; because the image they have of themselves are an essential part of their reality." (Claude Lévi-Strauss, The Savage Mind)
Opening Hours: Tue - Sun 12 - 7 pm, Thur 12 - 9 pm
Free admission
KW69 #3 is made possible thanks to the support of the Inge Morath Foundation and C/O Berlin.
The exhibition series KW69—situated in the front building KW Institute for Contemporary Art—provides a space for dialogue for artists, a kind of experimental stage that for one year will be the home to a number of artistic projects in quick succession. Moving on from one project to the next, the participants will shift roles, as the artists exhibiting then invite the next project. This dynamic interplay will enable unconventional points of reference, continuous shifts in perspective, and uses of the exhibition space that refer to and build on one another.
KW69 is conceived as an open cycle of exhibitions, which will only become concrete as the year progresses.
KW69 is made possible thanks to the support of the Friends of KW.
With kind support of PILSNER URQUELL.