Miss Read
Opening hours:
Friday, 03.09.2010, 3 - 7 pm
Saturday, 04. and Sunday, 05.09.2010, noon - 7 pm
Opening Party with basso & friends: Friday, 03.09.2010, from 7 pm
For the second time Miss Read has invited international publishers and artists to show their artist books at KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. As a genre of its own, the artist book reflects contemporary ways of artistic production and publishing to a great extent and also addresses issues of presentation and circulation as well as new strategies of distribution. Presenting a selection of more than 40 of the most active contributors in this field, the festival provides the rare opportunity to encounter and explore the contemporary scene of independent publishing.
2nd Cannons Publications, Los Angeles
AKV/urban art info, Berlin
Anita Di Bianco, Berlin/New York
Archive Books, Berlin/Turin
Archive of Modern Conflict, London
argobooks, Berlin
Barbara Wien Wilma Lukatsch, Berlin
Bartleby & Co., Brussels
basso & friends, Berlin
Boekie Wokie, Amsterdam
Book Works, London
Chicago - Times - Plotter [...] Paper - Libertine - Trixie, Vienna
documentation céline duval, Houlgate
Edie Fake, Chicago
Edition Patrick Frey, Zurich
Erik Steinbrecher, Berlin
Eva Weinmayr, London
Fucking Good Art, Rotterdam
GAGARIN, Antwerp
Half Letter Press/Temporary Services, Chicago
mediabus, Seoul
Michael Baers, Berlin
Michalis Pichler/"greatest hits", Berlin
Mladen Stilinović, Zagreb
Mörel Books, London
no press/derek beaulieu, Calgary
Piktogram/Bureau of Loose Associations, Warsaw
Regency Arts Press Ltd., New York
Revolver Publishing, Berlin
Roma Publications, Amsterdam
Samandal, Beirut
Space Poetry, Copenhagen
Spector Books, Leipzig
Sternberg Press, Berlin/New York
The Green Box, Berlin
Torpedo Press, Oslo
Ugly Duckling Presse, New York
umool umool, Amsterdam/Seoul
(un)limited store, Marseille
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Cologne
Weproductions, Yarrow
Zavod P.A.R.A.S.I.T.E., Ljubljana
Miss Read will be accompanied by a series of lectures, performances and talks by artists, publishers, and graphic designers reflecting contemporary ways of artistic publishing. A program in collaboration with Christoph Keller.
Saturday, 04.09.2010
2 pm Brett Bloom (Half Letter Press/Temporary Services): The Smell of Books Surrounds You!
3 pm Zak Kyes: On-Site
4 pm Achim Lengerer (Scriptings): Models for Rehearsing The Script
5 pm Jeff Khonsary (Fillip): On Free Content
Sunday, 05.09.2010
2 pm Eva Weinmayr: I Wonder What Silence Was About. Film Screening and Talk
3 pm Artist lecture by Michael Stevenson
MISS READ and the program are free of charge.
MISS READ is a collaboration of KW Institute for Contemporary Art and the Berlin based publishers argobooks and Michalis Pichler.
Project management: Anke Schleper.
The festival is co-financed by the European Union (European Fund for Regional Development. Investing in Your Future.)
Joint Event in Berlin:
03. - 05.09.2010
Skalitzer Str. 68, D-10997 Berlin
Also taking place:
Reading List
do you read me?!
Auguststraße 28, 10117 Berlin