Jasmina Metwaly & Philip Rizk
Out on the Street
8 April–31 May 20
Due to circumstances revolving around the COVID-19 virus, the film screening had to be canceled. Instead, we will show Jasmina Metwaly & Philip Rizk’s Out on the Street (2015) online.
Film introduction by Jasmina Metwaly in English: 00:00–03:10 minutes
Film in Arabic with English subtitles: 03:11– 01:14:37 minutes
In Out on the Street (2015), ten workers conduct an acting workshop in Helwan, Egypt, recounting and rehearsing cases of state oppression, exploitation, corruption and protest. Scenes are enacted and reimagined, at times combined with found footage and material evidence. Beyond a mere peek at a single microcosm, the film pays tribute to collective testimony, factory solidarity, and the working classes persisting as such internationally, despite all claims of their historical disappearance.