Ute Adamczewski
Neue Ordnung
Opening: 17.9.13, 18-21 h
The video installation Neue Ordnung (2013) takes Berlin as a pointed example of the economic modernization and cultural historicity informing the city's present.
A series of interviews with public figures at Berlin's Schlossplatz are put into conversation with each other. In their interactions, the radical spatial and sociopolitical changes since the fall of the Berlin wall emerge, as well as the city's current neoliberal and neoconservative tendencies.
With: Can "Khan" Oral, Katja Diefenbach, Carl Hegemann, Pia Marais, Olaf Nicolai, Claus Löser, Diana McCarty, Felix Ensslin, Joep van Liefland, Christof Dreher, Horst Markgraf, Monica Bonvicini, Douglas Gordon, Luis Feduchi, Matthias Sauerbruch and Louisa Hutton.
In collaboration with: Ellen Blumenstein, Christian von Borries, Toby Cornish, Olaf Mach, Horst Markgraf, Paul Paulun, Stefan Pethke, Schneider, Silvie Andre Siegers, Tim Stüttgen