XI versions of Black Noise: Pantha du Prince/live, Rough Trade UK
8 pm
XI versions of Black Noise: Pantha du Prince/live, Rough Trade UK Concert
Pantha du Prince claims: music slumbers in all matter; any sound, even silence, is already music. The mission, then, must be to render audible what is unheard and unheard of.
In his compositions he fuses aspects of experimental music, pop music, house and techno as well as Concept art and photography. New sounds emerge as images and vice versa – sound as art. The sounds of silence and the music of nature are recorded as readymades, confronted with each other and synthesised. On the cover of XI versions of Black Noise, the mountains and lake are repeated but abstracted as superimposed cubes. Like his music, the image has freed itself from the original and undergoes a re-reading of its form.
Within the framework of based in Berlin
free admission