LaRuidosaOficina (Marga Sequeira, Catalina Tenorio & Mariela Richmond)
Ceremonia del Hackeo (Hacking Ceremony). Hacking the distances + Hacking the school
Workshop in 4 sessions, max. capacity 20 people
In English
19 April 21, 5–7pm (CET)
26 April 21, instructions will be sent to participants to work individually
3 May 21, instructions will be sent to participants to work individually
10 May 21, 5–7pm (CET)
To register for the workshop, please send an email to with a short introduction about yourself, and your motivation to join the workshop until April 16.
LaRuidosaOficina is a collective based in Costa Rica focusing on art education, artistic and cultural management, and art mediation. With their multi-part workshop developed from and for the virtual space, Ceremonia del Hackeo (Hacking Ceremony), LaRuidosaOficina proposes to share their artistic and cultural mediation methodologies developed since the arrival of the pandemic in 2020 with others who facilitate teaching and learning processes. These tools focus on how to generate diverse forms of encounter, coexistence and living processes, even in/through the virtual world. Poetic practices will be explored as a basis for learning and relationships, beyond artistic training. LaRuidosaOficina is interested in generating a space for dialogue that fosters joint reflections, support networks and sharing of knowledge among education workers from any field of knowledge.