Pogo Bar Podcast:
Nadja Abt
Mutiny on the Bivalvia – Interview with a Seafarer
February 2021
in English
Nadja Abt, Mutiny on the Bivalvia – Interview with a Seafarer, 2021; Courtesy the artist
Mutiny on the Bivalvia is a radio play about power and relationships. In an interview, a seafarer and previously successful artist delineates her motives for wanting to become a member of the female crew on board of the „Bivalvia“ and her daily life as a seafarer. The interviewer has but one question on her mind: What has lead the all-women crew to shipwreck and mutiny?
Text and direction: Nadja Abt
Seafarer: Mareike Wenzel
Interviewer: Nadja Abt
Music: Alabaster DePlume
Sound: Nadja Abt & Franz Schütte
Nadja Abt is an artist and writer, living between Berlin and Lisbon. Abt studied Literature and Art History at Freie Universität Berlin as well as Fine Arts at Universität der Künste Berlin and the Universidad Torcuato di Tella in Buenos Aires. In her performances, videos and paintings, she constructs feminist narratives that reference the world of literature and film. She is part of the artist collective Michelle Volta. Recent exhibitions and performances include KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; Pivô, São Paulo; Casa Triângulo, São Paulo. She has upcoming shows at Bärenzwinger, Berlin (April 2021) and Galeria Diferença, Lisbon (October 2021).