Through its projects, the KW’s education and mediation program aims to create spaces in which different perspectives meet for critical exchange. What do I see, hear, or experience in the exhibition? What remains hidden? The exhibited artists, their works, as well as the space in which they are shown, offer a starting point for a dialogue with one’s own and with collective experiences, observations, expectations and perspectives, using artistic-experimental and educative methods. In doing so, the projects expand upon and comment on themes from KW’s program, add new questions, and re-debate them in interdisciplinary processes.
Cooperations with artists, art mediators, culture agents, researchers, teachers, neighborhood coordinators, and representatives of different communities produce different formats, ranging from high school poject weeks and university classes to workshop series and intergenerational projects.
Project archive (Selection)
Para.Proto.Next—Questions on the Futures of Art Education
Event series with The Art Educator’s Talk LIVE
April–November 2020
Turkish round-table for women
May 2019–2021
Workshop series on the topics of motherhood, parenthood, and care work
November 2019 until August 2020
My Happy Place: Cloud
Creative course for pupils of the Hemingway-Schule (2019/20)
Christmas project week with students of the Heinz-Brandt-Schule
December 2019
Series of seminars with students of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder and the Berlin University of the Arts
September 2018–August 2019
Series of workshops with students of the Alfred-Nobel-Schule
August 2018–January 2019
Public closing event: 7 November 2019, 3 pm
Courtyard party for the neighborhood, families and friends
July 2019
Series of workshops with students of the Ruth-Cohn-Schule
September 2018–May 2019
Easter project week with students of the Heinz-Brandt-Schule
April 2019
Intergenerative dance project
November 2018–January 2019
Christmas project week with students of the Heinz-Brandt-Schule
Dezember 2018
Berlin-Mondiale project with members of Kreativhaus Berlin-Mitte
September–December 2018
Guided bike tours with slim girl fat
Tours in the framework of KW on location
June–September 2018
Public workshop in the framework of 48h Neukölln
June 2018
Summer project week and exhibition with students of the Heinz-Brandt-Schule
June–July 2018
Series of workshops with students of the Heinz-Brandt-Schule
September 2018–March 2019
Public workshop within Berlin sagt Danke!
March 2018
Lapse—an interval or passage of time
Project with inhabitants of the ASB-Notunterkunft Alt-Moabit
Project with children of the ASB-Notunterkunft Alt-Moabit
October 2017
Series of workshops with inhabitants of the ASB-Notunterkunft Alt-Moabit
Project week with students of the Alfred-Nobel-Schule
Project week with students of the Ruth-Cohn-Schule
Project week with students of the Heinz-Brandt-Schule